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Otokar Otomotiv ve Savunma Sanayi A.Ş., or Otokar, is a leading Turkish manufacturer of buses and military vehicles, headquartered in Sakarya, Turkey. A subsidiary of Koç Holding, Otokar was founded in 1963 as Turkey's first bus manufacturer under the Magirus-Deutz license. The company quickly became known for its modern buses and intercity vehicles.

In the mid-1980s, Otokar ventured into military vehicles, producing Turkey's first armored vehicle and later manufacturing military Land Rover Defenders for the Turkish Armed Forces. The 1990s saw further innovations with the Otokar Armoured Personnel Carrier, Akrep, and Cobra, establishing Otokar as a leader in 4x4 light-armored vehicles.

Otokar continued to expand, acquiring a trailer production company in 2002 and developing the Navigo small bus. By 2007, the company was developing Turkey's first national tank. Significant growth in the 2010s included a 72% increase in turnover in 2011, driven by civil product sales in Europe and new product introductions like the Arma 8x8 ACV and Mizrak RCT.

Today, Otokar's products are used in 60 countries, supported by 300 sales and service points, affirming its global presence in both civilian and military vehicle markets.
