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Established in April 1911, the Kaishinsa Co. presented its first prototype of the DAT in 1912. The low series production of the third generation of the DAT car started in 1914. The name of the company changed several times, and in June 1934 Nissan Motor Co. was founded. In the years 1931–32, the cars bore the name Datson, and in the years 1932–83 – Datsun. Simultaneously, since 1937, cars under the Nissan name have been produced. The concern took over several rival companies: Jitsuyo Jidosha (in 1926), Minsei (in 1960), Prince (in 1966) and Cony (in 1967). In March 1999, Renault bought36.8% of Nissan shares (in 2002, this figure increased to 44.4%).
