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Ferruccio Lamborghini built two chassis roadsters based on the Fiat 500 called Lamborghini 750 Topolina Barchetta in the years 1946–48. In 1947 Ferruccio Lamborghini Carioca was established, and started the production of tractors. In 1963 a second company was set up – Automobili Ferrucio Lamborghini and the first sport model, christened 350 GTV, was shown, with its serial production to start a year later. In 1987 the firm was taken over by Chrysler and in 1994 by Megatech / Bermudy, which belonged to the Micom Setdco concern. In the year 1995 about 60% of Lamborghini shares were bought by two Malaysian companies: Timor and V-Power Corporation. In 1998 Lamborghini became a part of the VAG (Volkswagen–Audi) consortium.
