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United Kingdom

International Automotive Design (IAD UK Ltd) was a British design company, based in West Sussex, England.

IAD UK Ltd was founded in 1976 by John and Yvonne Shute. Initially work came in the form of design services for Rail cars which then led to Automotive Body and Chassis Engineering but due to the increasing customers requirements it soon expanded to encompass everything from Design/ Styling and Engineering through to small-scale production.

IAD designed and developed many cutting edge and memorable concept cars developed as showcases demonstrating the company's creative and engineering expertise including the IAD Alien, IAD Hunter, IAD Interstate, IAD Arrival, IAD Royale, IAD Mini MPV, IAD Venus and finally the IAD Magia. IAD amassed a talented group of designers, engineers and prototype builders who have subsequently gone on to senior positions within the automotive industry.

They specialized in car prototyping and engineering design. Mayflower Corp. purchased IAD after it went into receivership in the early 1990s with the Engineering, Design groups and facilities were sold to Daewoo Motors 1993.
