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In 2008 Veno Automotive from Warsaw announced a project for the first Polish supercar. 

The envisioned model was highly inspired by Lamborghini Murcielago or Reventon to say the least. The plan was to make 10-12 units per year. Soon enough the company was renamed Arrinera Automotive and in May 2011 the pre-production prototype was unveiled. The big announcement included the partnership with famous British car designer Lee Noble who was a member of the supervisory board and a shareholder in Arrinera Automotive S.A. He was responsible for technical aspects related to the supercar as well as for the design and production of the rolling chassis. Interestingly, Arrinera even had a 50% stake in Lee Noble's Fenix Automotive Ltd.

The Arrinera prototype used an 8-cylinder 6.2-liter engine with a maximum power of 650HP and 820 Nm torque and was priced from 100.000 GBP.

The nameless supercar got its official name - Hussarya - in August 2012. The car has been completely redesigned since the world premiere. Even Warsaw University of Technology conducted several tests including an aerodynamic test of the body structure at simulated speeds of 360 km/h.

Arrinera Automotive then planned to unveil the 33 Series – a limited edition of the Arrinera Hussarya supercar limited to 33 units. Unique equipment as well as, distinctive styling both for the interior and the body would set this top-of-the-line model apart from the “regular” Hussarya. 

The company also intended to do performance tests at the Applus IDIADA automotive research center in Spain. The earliest delivery date for the Hussarya was established no earlier than the end of 2013. 

Not everything went according to the schedule. In the fourth quarter of 2014, Arrinera unveiled an updated design of the Hussarya and only in April 2015 presented Hussarya 33 at the Poznan Motor Show.

In January 2016 a sister company Arrinera Racing debuted at Autosport International’s Racing Car Show in Birmingham with the Hussarya GT racing model. It was priced from 139.000 GBP and became the first Polish car to take part in the Goodwood Festival of Speed.

In February 2017 the company announced the acceptance of first orders of this racecar and in October released some plans for the electric Hussarya EV.

Since then nothing significant was heard from the Arrinera and the company was liquidated in 2021.
